The increasing speed of fires around California and many other states, have been taking individuals and business by surprise! many leaving their belongings behind and with only a few minutes to only grab basics keys and wallets on their way out.
We feel extremely sorry for the families and companies that have been experience total lost of their home and business.
Here at IPTHUB Cyber Security we want to support you with a free consultation to activate an account and give you the instructions of how to protect your information as fast as possible. You can be an individual or a business of any size.

How is works? The account provided will give you protection for 30 days after being activated. After that you can cancel without any commitment to use or if you will you could sign for the service. Do not let money stop from protecting your computers data and servers, we can discuss the pricing later and see if our services are a match to your budget, but while that happens why not to protect your system for 30 days for free during this crazy fire crisis?
Many busines like yours are in emergency mode and a quick DR solution could be a life saving solution that could avoid you and your business losing years of data that potentially could never be recovered. Backups created on an external device which are being stored in your desk, in a shelf inside the same building might not be of good help if it is left behind during a fire or any other natural disaster.
If you are in California and you want to protect your system act today act today. We will help you in the best of our efforts.
If you are a business located outside of California we can provide you with Disaster Recovery service at very competitive prices. Call today!
Disclaimer: This offers applies to residents of California. Restrictions apply. Getting a trial is not a condition to buy the product after the trial is over, you can just cancel it without explanation. When trials are expired the data stored is eliminated automatically from our data centers. We do not guarantee that you will be able to backup and protect all your information on time. Upload internet speeds could delay the upload of data to the Acronis datacenters. We reserve the right to decline the service for any reason. We do not discriminate and provide services to any legal stablished business in California. You will have to agree to the service level agreement during the registration of your account.